A Warm Welcome!
Our Sunday morning gathering begins at 10:30 a.m. and normally lasts one hour. Rarely do we go longer than 11:40 a.m. We have a coffee, snack and fellowship time that follows, and we invite you to join us.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What about prayer?
A. Prayer is one of the main ways that we speak to and hear from God. We have a prayer to tell God how awesome he is and another prayer to ask for the help we need every day in our world. During the first prayer we recite together what is known as “The Lord’s Prayer”. This prayer is printed on all bulletins so you can read along.
Q. Is there a dress code?
A. We’re pretty relaxed and comfortable around here. You will find some who are in jeans and t-shirts; others in dress pants and dress shirts, some are in dresses, others in slacks, in the warmer months you see shorts, and even some that are in suits and ties (though that is rare). The important things is that there is no “right” way to dress. Just wear what makes you comfortable.
Q. What should I expect at your worship services?
A. Most would call our service “traditional” and that is partially true. We don’t have a praise band. Our organist plays for all our music.
We have some things we do each week, saying of the Lord’s Prayer and singing of the Doxology, but you will find our services to be intentional and meaningful. The sermons are always geared to not just understanding the Bible but how that can be lived out and make a difference in our weekly life.
Our pastor will speak anywhere from 20-30 minutes depending on the message and what time she starts preaching. She uses the Bible as the foundation for her messages.
Bibles are provided in all pews for your convenience. Your welcome to bring your own or use ours if you’d like to follow along with the scriptures she uses.
Q. What is fellowship time like?
A. If you would like more interaction beyond just our worship service, you can always fill out a Visitor Card (found in the pew) and drop that in the offering plate. Someone will contact you to follow up and answer any questions you may have.